ITC Mandatory For All Football Players Worldwide
IFAF board adopted new ITC rules at the board meeting in December. New rules apply for all federations (countries) in 2015.
ITC – the International Transfer Card is important as it regulates player transfers and sets a new level of organization of players making a transfer between countries. To make it more simple – ITC makes sure that players who are leaving their team have proper release papers. ITC is mandatory for all players worldwide who wish to transfer from one federation to another.
ITC is very important for European players, as most transfers occur on European soil.
In addition to that – special agreement with Football USA and Football Canada has been made, where everyone making a transfer from college will go under ITC rules and regulations. Basically, all American/Canadian players will also have to obtain proper ITC in order to transfer to any federation across the globe. However, ITC rules and regulations will not apply for athletes who had a 2 year break or have not player football before.
ITC fee is 130 euro, and the fee is being split between both national and continental federations involved. Federations can not charge any additional fees for ITC.
Implementation starts Jan 1st, 2015., and the ITC database will be public and available for everyone to check the transfers.
Also, IFAF Board has elected the ITC manager, Ms Zorica Hofman, who will be handling the International Transfer Cards.
For any additional information – please contact your local federation.
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